Audio & NLP Lab Projects 📄 NepaliGPT: Nepali Language Generative Pretrained Transformer Model 📄 A Customer Churn Prediction Model using XGBoost for the Telecommunication Industry in Nepal 📄 Efficient Video Editing with AI: Automating Silences and Bad Takes Removal 📄 Nepali Dependency Parsing using Transfer Learning 📄 Named Entity Recognition for Nepali Using BERT Based Models 📄 Lemmatization for Nepali Text based on TRIE Structure 📄 A Rule Based Stemmer for Nepali 📄 Spoken Language Identification using Convolutional Neural Network for Regional Languages Spoken in Nepal 📄 Information Extraction from Unstructured Data 📄 Casualty Information Extraction and Analysis from News 📄 Epidemiological Surveillance System using NLP 📄 Hierarchical Multi Label Classification of News Articles Using RNN, CNN and HAN