Audio & NLP Lab – A Rule Based Stemmer for Nepali

Project By: Pravesh Koirala

Supervisor: Dr. Aman Shakya

Stemming is an integral part of Natural Language Processing (NLP). It’s a preprocessing step in almost every NLP application. Arguably, the most important usage of stemming is in Information Retrieval (IR). While there are lots of work done on stemming in languages like English, Nepali stemming has only a few works. This study focuses on creating a Rule Based stemmer for Nepali text. Specifically, it is an affix stripping system that identifies two different class of suffixes in Nepali grammar and strips them separately. Only a single negativity prefix (Na) is identified and stripped. This study focuses on a number of techniques like exception word identification, morphological normalization and word transformation to increase stemming performance. The stemmer is tested intrinsically using Paice’s method and extrinsically on a basic tf-idf based IR system and an elementary news topic classifier using Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier. The difference in performance of these systems with and without using the stemmer is analysed.

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